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I'm running again!

After months of PT, rest, and acupuncture, the maddening nerve tingling has stopped. I have now run four glorious days in a row! with no issues.

I'm taking a rest day today. Playing it safe. Being conservative.

Brittany and I went for a fantastic nighttime trail run a couple of days ago. The scent of wood smoke from someone's fireplace, the crisp air, the tunnel vision from my headlamp, slipping in ankle deep leaves - it all made me feel so alive and so happy to be off the treadmill and on the trail!

Here's a photo of one of my favorite sections, taken this past summer. There are a LOT more leaves on it now.

Delicious downhill section of trail in Rock Creek Park
I also got to run with my lunchtime running buddy, who's also on the comeback, making it an extra-sweet return for both of us.

I haven't done any fast or hard training yet. I'm taking it easy, celebrating simply being able to do what I love.

Happy New Year!!